The Case For: Celebrating Successes


I really like celebrating success.  I think if we don’t take the time to reflect on our accomplishments and tell our story, we are missing a huge opportunity to grow our own personal brands.  I know in some office environments, it is a little more black and white and tooting your own horn can often be taken the wrong way – but that’s no excuse not to get a pat on the back every once in a while.  As an old boss of mine once said, self-promotion is an art (side note: she also said you should find a coat tail and ride the sh*t out of it; equally-sage advice I will reflect on at some point down the road I’m sure – but that’s neither here nor there).

Simply put, by celebrating your successes you will:

  • Capitalize on a huge opportunity to build your own personal brand
  • Develop personality traits and tendencies that skew towards the happier side of things
  • Breed future success by allowing yourself to truly taste and enjoy what success feels like
  • Boost your team’s morale and desire/willingness to go the extra mile for the greater good
  • Raise the bar for future accomplishments
  • Position yourself for bigger and brighter (and, likely, more financially-rewarding) opportunities

So cheers to everyone starting to celebrate their success a bit more!

Til Next Time,


The Case For: Post-Merger Integration Olympics


As promised, a follow up to how I would handle the Comcast/TWC merger and integration of the two companies.

DISCLAIMER: this is 90% satire, 10% real.  Keep that in mind.

Imagine this…  In order to peacefully unify two disparate companies practicing in totally different geographies, what if we used gamification (buzzword alert) to resolve the unsettled differences?  It would be great.  Not only would it be fun, lighthearted, and keep everyone optimistic about the integration.  It would rapidly accelerate the implementation timeline.

Here are some sample games that could be employed to define path forward for integration points:

  • CEO’s could compete in a decathlon of events to determine who takes point of crafting the mission/vision statement for the unified company
  • The VP’s of finance could play a game of checkers to see which company’s accounting or book-keeping software was used
  • Marketing departments could compete in a 24-hour marketing challenge (independently judged) to see which team would run point on the new company’s campaigns
  • Teams of front-line call center agents could play in a 2-on-2 basketball tournament to identify which team’s call scripting was used
  • Housekeeping staffs could participate in a giant tug-of-war to see which role description and responsibilities were claimed
  • Administrative assistants could participate in a skills competition in order to have higher placement in the draft to select the executives they are paired with

While quite rushed and void of much original human thought, this method would at least ensure both sides had a “fair shot” at being represented in the future state company.  Plus it could be really fun and build a great team chemistry/camaraderie.  I think a lot of times the post-merger integration of disparate sides is done way too methodically in a way that is painfully exhausting and lulls the sides to sleep (And do you ever do good work when you’re asleep?  Me either).  There is so much time wasted on figuring out who’s right, who’s wrong, which way is the best, etc.  At a certain point, you have to just make a decision, move on, adapt and sustain, or continue to operate differently.  Not every situation has a winner and a loser.  Sometimes we’re all right; and that’s alright.

Til Next Time,


The Case For: Being Positive

A good friend of mine came to me with a logical idea the other day…  Spawning off my “Case Against” Rant Series into a “Case For” Rave Series.  He thought I may be coming off a bit too negative or contrary (me?  never!) and this would give me a good chance to come back with more of my ideas on how to improve things that I think need improving.  As this is a blog dedicated to my meanderings and “thought leadership” I am continuing to aggregate over time – I said why not!

So I present to you: the case for being positive!

As much as this blog may make me sound like a Negative Nancy, I really do try to see the positive in all that I do.  Especially in the workplace.  A few quick tips on what I do to exude positivity and remain calm/optimistic even in the face of the toughest adversity:

  • Smile.  Yes – this sounds easy – but it’s so easy to tell the people who hate their jobs simply by their facial tones.  Even if you don’t love what you do, the power of positivity and kindness is contagious and sometimes just smiling will put everyone in a better mood and make the situation a little less poke-my-eyes-out unbearable
  • Spend some time every day reflecting.  The more you can step back from a situation and think about something other than work, the more your work body will respond in the times you really need it to
  • Let the little stuff go.  Some people have an innate ability to make the smallest things seem like monumental issues.  Ignore them.  Or, at a minimum, confirm for yourself that it is not that big of a deal and make sure your peers and superiors know that you aren’t blatantly ignoring something to cover yourself
  • Make an effort to map out your colleague’s personalities.  Spoiler alert: we’re all different!  This will help you react more positively and appropriately when your colleagues encounter tough situations or times when their buttons/triggers are pushed (because they may very well react in a certain way that is in no way a slight to you, but as long as you can understand reactionary tendencies, it will help you be more calming and accepting)
  • Every time you feel like your blood is boiling or that you want to scream, find some quiet space and take a deep breath.  Not only will it help restore your heart rate, but it will also help you think more clearly and establish better perspective of the situation
  • Before you hit ‘send’ on any e-mail that could be taken the wrong way or has any element of bad news, RE-READ IT!  In most cases, it would behoove you to tone down your language or make your statements in less incendiary language; people prefer to deal with level-headed individuals and will be more receptive to your points

Til Next Time,
